mercredi 12 mars 2014

This blog, as its name implies, deals with the conflicts that opposed at the end of the XIXth century the two European populations of South Africa, on one hand the Boers (or Afrikaners), who are the descendants of the Dutch and French (huguenots) settlers who live on the African continent since the XVIIth century and the British who annexed the colony in the XVIIIth century.
These conflicts were two in number : the first Boer War from 1880 to 1881 and the second Boer War from 1899 to 1902, which specifically deals with this blog. These conflicts opposed the boer republics of Transvaal and of the Orange free State to the hegemonic will of British Empire.
The purpose of this blog is to show how these conflicts were determinant in the process of creating a unified South-African state, the South african Union, ancestor of the South african Republic that we know today and its consequences on the future of this ethnic conglomerate (Afrikaners, British, Indian-coolies, “Bantous”) especially on the proclamation of the policy of Apartheid in 1948 by the government of the afrikaner National Party. It also aims to showcase this people of proud and brave pioneers who fought for its freedom and the defense of its identity with heavy suffering ; it will also be interesting to understand how this War contributed to the transformation of their struggle, from the fight for their political independence by war to the defense of their ethnic identity by segregation.
For this purpose, I'll devote the first part to the events that preceded these conflicts in order to understand their context and issues (history of the Boer people). Then I'll study the different phases of the conflict and finally I'll see its result in the medium and long term for South Africa.