samedi 8 mars 2014

  1. The War

  1. The Boer offensive (October 1899 to December 1899)
The English thought fighting peasants, they will actually face an army of determined and well-armed militiamen. The Boer republics bought guns of 75 in France and machine guns and Mauser rifles in Germany. Faced with an outnumbered and disorganized enemy, they invade the Cape Colony. To fight this mobile militia practicing guerrilla and ambushes, the old british generals applied the Waterloo strategy and the « redcoats » in battle order were massacred. With their light weapons and machine guns, the Boers assieged the city of Kimberley and defeated the professionnal British army at Magersfontein, Stormberg, and Colenso (10-15 december).
During these battles, the Boer machine guns massacred rows of British soldiers while afrikanner troops were sheltered of aritillerie in trenches : it is an announcement of WWI. Moreover, except France which gave a discrete support (internal divison between the will of revenge after the incident of Fachoda in 1898 and the perspective of the future “entente cordiale” against Germany), the main european ally of the Boers is Germany, which seeks to prevent the British thalassocratic hegemony theorized by Joseph Mackinder (the opposion between the British empire and the continental power of Germany is largely responsible for the Great War). So the Boer War is a key to understand the future XXth century.

  1. The British offensive (January to September 1900)
Contrary to the first Boer War, the economic and geo-strategic issues are very important and the British empire is determined to continue the fight until the final victory. Indeed, even more than mineral wealth, it is the control of the road from Cairo to Cape Town and thus a global geo-strategic control over the Indian Ocean (and the British total naval power over the world) which is the goal of Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner.
Controlling Cape Town and the coast, the British carried guns and troops from all the Empire (Canadian, Australian...). There will be ultil 450 000 soldiers in South-Africa, more than all the Boer people... The Boer are logically submerged and the Boers republics are invaded. In the battle of Paardeberg, in february 1900, 15 000 british soldiers attacked 5000 Boers resistants. The Boer army finally surrended after having killed more ennemies than thier opponent. Bloemfontein, capital city of the Orange free state, fall on the 13th of March and Pretoria is conquered on June the fifth. Boer republics are completely invaded but the Boer people refused to lay down their arms.

  1. Guerrilla war and British terror (September 1900 – May 1902)
Boer armies decided to lead a war of harassment against the British troops to force them to leave the territory. Their knowledge of the field and their art of guerrilla allow them to inflict heavy casualties on an occupying army everey day more numerous but unable to respond. Faced with this situation the new commander of the British Army, Lord Kitchener, decided to answer by the Terror : systematic destruction of boer farms and detention of civilians (wemen and children) which means the first concentration camps of history : one third of the all Boer people will be put into concentration camps (old men, women and children) : 120 000 people. 27 927 Boers died (of which 22 074 were under 16 years). Moreover, 14 154 blak men (agricultural employees, guardians of the farms, soldiers in the Boer army) died. Starvation and disease are the main causes.
In 1901 the first peace negotiations are open but the last Boer soldiers surrended in 1902. On May 31st 1902, the treaty of Vereeniging confirmed the loss of Boer republics which are integrated into the British Empire but the rights of Boers are recognized : Dutch is authorized in schools and tribunals, the civil autonomy is recognized for the former Boer republics.
Boers in a British concentration camp

Lizzie van Zyl, victim of the British terror