mardi 11 mars 2014

The causes of the war
  1. The Boers, origin and mentality
The Boers are Dutch, German and French populations (Huguenots) who have settled in South Africa in the middle of the XVIIth.
The sixth of April 1652, Jan van Riebeeck established an outpost for the famous Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the area of the cape of Good-Hope. This outpost quickly became the city of Cape-Town.
In the following decades, more and more Dutch and German settled in the Cape colony, joined by French huguenots after 1685 (Edit de Fontainebleau which repealed the Edit de Nantes).
These setllers will constitute a class of free farmers called burghers, and then Boers. They founded an original society and culture of farmers-pionners based on slavery.
At that time, the lands around the Cape were free of occupation. The only men that lived there were some nomad tribes of Khoïsan (cousins of Boshiman) which did not practice agriculture. The great black kingdoms (Bantous tribes, especially the Zoulous who settled S-A in the beginning of the XIVth century) were 1500 km in th east. 
Map of the Bantu language area in South Africa
This situation had a great impact on the Boers mentality : they do not think themselves as « colonists », « they stole the land of nobody », they are a « white tribe of Africa », the Afrikaaners.
In their protestant-calvinist spirit, they are the new elected people and god gave them this « empty land » to grow and prosper.
In 1706, lots of Boers who refused the autority of the VOC because they felt themselves « arikaans » started to leave the Cape colony to settle in the lands behind the frontier, repelling the Khoïsans (who will be finally massacred by the Zoulous). In 1795, a rebellion burst in Cape-Town against the Dutch. The Boers wanted their independence but the events in Europe (French revolution) stopped this process. France invaded Holland and the British decided to annex the Dutch colonies.